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来源:网络 文章作者:匿名 2009-11-12 22:26:41


  一、语法单选:本大题共20小题,从第1小题到第20小题每题1分 小计20分;共计20分。

  1、 How soon will the work be finished?


  [  ]

  A.In two hours

  B.After two hours

  C.Two hours

  D.For two hours

  2、 After that we never saw her again, nor ________ from her.(MET'87)

  [  ]

  A.did we hear

  B.we heard

  C.had we heard

  D.we have heard

  3、 They changed their blue skins ________ white ones.

  [  ]





  4、 The man ________ spoke to me was our teacher.

  [  ]





  5、 The river is too wide for us to swim ________.

  [  ]





  6、 Shall I tell John about it?

  No, you ________. I have told him already.

  [  ]





  7、 Writing diaries and compositions ________ what I enjoy most:

  [  ]



  C.have been


  8、 Although he is considered as a great writer, ________.

  [  ]

  A.his works are not widely read

  B.but his works are not widely read

  C.however his works are not widely read

  D.still his works are not widely read

  9、 The number ad people invited ________ fifty, but a number of them ________ absent for different reasons.

  [  ]

  A.were; was

  B.was; were

  C.was; was

  D.were; were

  10、 Jenny and Jenmy are twins. Jenny is famous ________ a good singer in the school, while Jenmy is famous ________ her handwriting.

  [  ]

  A.for; for

  B.as; for

  C.as; as

  D.for; as

  11、 The farmer waited under the tree for days ________ days, but got nothing.

  [  ]





  12、 The UN should ________ the establishment of the Iraq government after the war.

  [  ]

  A.take parts in

  B.play a leading role in

  C.take a role among

  D.play an important part of

  13、 —I usually go there by plane?

  —Why not ________ by train for a change?

  [  ]

  A.to try going

  B.trying to go

  C.to try and go

  D.try going

  14、 “Can't you read?” Mary said ________ to the notice.

  [  ]

  A.angrily pointing

  B.and point angrily

  C.angrily pointed

  D.and angrily pointing

  15、 Many people died during the war ________ the North and the South .

  [  ]





  16、 __________is the best way __________with the grammar points?

  [  ]

  A.Which, you deal

  B. What, in that you deal

  C.What, of dealing

  D. Which, of dealing

  17、 The army travelled __________________ to help people in difficulties.

  [    ]

  A. south   B. to south   C. southern   D. the south

  18、 The robbers ________ him ________his money.

  [  ]

  A.robbed; of

  B.stole; from

  C.stole; of

  D.robbed; from

  19、 The door that ________ the carriage to the next one was locked.

  [  ]





  20、 Some farmers have ________ keeping rabbits.

  [  ]

  A.turned up

  B.turned on

  C.turned off

  D.turned to

  二、语音单选:本大题共10小题,从第21小题到第30小题每题1分 小计10分;共计10分。

  21、 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。


  [  ]

  A. medicine   B. terrible   C. twice   D. possible

  22、 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。


  [  ]

  A. valuable   B. accept   C. exactly   D. palace

  23、 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。


  [  ]

  A. description   B. question   C. machine   D. medicine

  24、 exercise

  [  ]





  25、 zero

  [  ]





  26、 English

  [  ]





  27、 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项


  [  ]

  A. said    B. average    C. laid    D. certain

  28、 idea

  [  ]





  29、 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项.


  [  ]

  A.area   B.heard   C.piano   D.special

  30、 从A、B、C、D中找出划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项


  [  ]

  A.great   B.break   C.spread   D.neatly

  三、词汇单选:本大题共4小题,从第31小题到第34小题每题1分 小计4分;共计4分。

  31、 Mathilde wanted to have some jewellery ______________ at the ball.

  [    ]

  A. to dress    B. to wear    C. to put on    D. to take off

  32、 Her speech ________ much discussion after the meeting.

  [  ]





  33、 It was very dirty but he managed to clean it.

  [  ]

  A.succeeded in cleaning

  B. tried to clean

  C.had to clean

  D.failed to clean

  34、 I ________ that he is clever than I am.

  [    ]

  A. recognize   B. organize   C. memorize   D. collect

  四、阅读理解(单选):本大题共3小题,第35小题为6分;从第36小题到第37小题每题10分 小计20分;共计26分。

  35、 阅读理解


  Only a hundred years ago, people seldom traveled far out of their birth place. Books were very expensive and there were few national newspapers and no radio or television. In fact, most people spent their time talking and listening. Only a very small quantity of reading and writing went on and many people were unable to read or write. For this reason, native dialects(方言)grew up and people spoke the way their parents and grandparents spoke. A woman from Cornwall who traveled just as far as London would find herself in a place where people spoke what was almost a different language.

  Sometimes it is hard to take in just how much things have changed. You are used to owning books and having them around, to reading magazines and newspapers and to a choice of national television and radio programs. You, and everyone around you, are used to traveling not just in the British Islands but all over the world. Modern science has changed our life and distances have been made shorter. It might have taken that Cornwall woman three days to travel to London. Now it takes less than two hours by air, less than four hours by train and less than six hours by road.

  The result of this is that the language we use is becoming more national and the dialects are dying out. Writing, printing and broadcasting have speeded up this change as one dialect has come to be used by more and more people. This is the dialect called standard (标准的) English which was first used outside London in the south and east Midlands.

  1.From the information given in the passage we know that a century ago ________.

  [  ]

  A.people wouldn't like to leave their birth place

  B.there were neither books nor newspapers

  C.not many people could read and write

  D.people learned to read and write from their parents and grandparents

  2.If a woman who lived in Comwall a hundred years ago went to London, she would find ________.

  [  ]

  A.London was far from her birth place

  B.London was a strange city

  C.London people used a very difficult language

  D.she could hardly understand what London people spoke

  3.Things have changed so much that people are not used to ________ any more.

  [  ]

  A.watching TV and listening to the radio

  B.reading books and magazines

  C.traveling just within the British Islands

  D.traveling the world over

  36、 阅读理解:

  Hundreds of years ago, a Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scots, a brave people, loved their country dearly. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotland. But there were too many of the Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.

  One night, the leader of Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill.“We will rest here tonight, my men,”he said.“Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win or we will die.”

  They were all very tired, so they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on duty, but they too were very tired, and one by one they also fell asleep.

  The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they were up the hillside, taking care not to make a sound. Closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes more, the war would be over. Suddenly, one of them put his foot on a thistle. He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a moment they were on their feet and ready for battle. The fighting was hard, but it did not last long. The Scots wiped our the Romans and saved Scotland.

  The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people like it. But the people of Scotland like it so much that they made it their national flower.

  1.The Scots were so tired that ________.

  [  ]

  A.they could hardly eat their supper

  B.they were defeated by the enemy

  C.all of them soon fell asleep

  D.they could not stand up

  2.That night, the Romans ________.

  [  ]

  A.enjoyed a sound sleep at the foot of the hill

  B.went up the hillside quickly

  C.climbed up the hill quietly

  D.didn't go anywhere

  3.Who put his foot on a thistle and cried out?

  [  ]

  A.One of the Roman soldiers.

  B.One of the Scots.

  C.One of the sleeping guards.

  D.The leader of the Scots.

  4.The people of Scotland regarded the thistle as their national flower because ________.

  [  ]

  A.the thistle was very beautiful

  B.the thistle was once a great help to the Scots

  C.the thistle had sharp needles all over it

  D.they liked it very much

  5.The battle between the Scots and the Romans that night ended with the ________ of the Romans at last.

  [  ]





  37、 阅读理解

  In my opinion, the Indian struggle for freedom bears in its consequences(结果)not only upon India and England but upon the whole world. It contains one fifth of the human race. It represents one of the most ancient civilizations. It has traditions handed down from tens of thousands of years, some of which, to the astonishment of the world, remain intact. No doubt the ravages of time have affected the purity of that civilization as they have that of many other cultures and many institutions.

  If India is to revive the glory of her ancient past, she can only do so when she attains(获得)her freedom. The reason for the struggle having drawn the attention of the world, I know, does not lie in the fact that we Indians are fighting for our liberty, but in the fact that the means adopted by us for attaining that liberty are unique and, as far as history shows us, have not been adopted by any other people of whom we have any record.

  The means adopted are not violence, not bloodshed, not diplomacy(外交)as one understands it nowadays, but they are purely and simply truth and non-violence. No wonder that the attention of the world is directed toward this attempt to lead a successful bloodless revolution. Hitherto, nations have fought in the manner of the brute. They have wreaked vengeance upon those whom they have considered to be their enemies.

  We find in searching national anthems adopted by great nations that they contain imprecautions upon the so-called enemy. They have vowed destruction and have not hesitated to take the name of God and seek divine assistance for the destruction of the enemy. We in India have endeavored to reverse the process. We feel that the law that, governs brute creation is not the law that should guide the human race. That law is inconsistent with human dignity.

  I, personally, would wait, if need be, for ages rather than seek to attain the freedom of my country through bloody means. I feel in the innermost of my heart, after a political extending over an unbroken period of close upon thirty-five years, that the world is sick into death of bloodspilling. The world is seeking a way out, and I flatter myself with the belief that perhaps it will be the privilege of the ancient land of India to show the way out to the hungering world. (Gandhi)

  1.What is Gandhi's main purpose in the passage?

  [  ]

  A.To demonstrate that India represents one of the most ancient civilizations.

  B.To demonstrate that India has to struggle for her freedom in order to revive the glory of her ancient past.

  C.To demonstrate that the means to achieve freedom should nor be violent.

  D.To demonstrate that the national anthems adopted by great nations contain imprecations upon the so-called enemy.

  2.According to Gandhi, why India's struggle for freedom have drawn the attention of the world?

  [  ]

  A.India has traditions handed down from tens of thousands of years.

  B.The means adopted by the Indians for attaining the liberty are non-violent.

  C.The Indians are fighting for their liberty.

  D.It is a struggle to revive the glory of India's ancient past.

  3.According to the third paragraph, India is attempting to ________.

  [  ]

  A.lead a successful bloodshed revolution

  B.achieve freedom by means of diplomacy

  C.achieve freedom by means which are purely and simply truth and non-violence

  D.wreaked vengeance upon those whom the Indians have considered to be their enemies

  4.In the fourth paragraph, Gandhi uses the national anthems of great nations to demonstrate that ________.

  [  ]

  A.until then, nations have fought in the W anner of the brute

  B.the Indians feel that the law that governs brute creation is not the law that should guide the human race

  C.that the law that governs brute is inconsistent with human indignity

  D.that Indians are endeavoring to reverse the process

  5.Which of the following statements is FALSE?

  [  ]

  A.Gandhi would not seek to attain the freedom of his country through bloody means.

  B.Gandhi feels that the world is sick into death of bloodspilling.

  C.Gandhi believes that India will be able to solve the problem of famine in the world.

  D.Gandhi believes that India will have the privilege to show the world the way out of bloodspilling.


  38、 完形填空

  A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much to

  1 a nice-looking watch. He saw a watch and liked it so much __2__ he decided to buy it. But the owner of the shop 3 five hundred dollars for it. 4 the American was 5 whether to buy it or not, a young man suddenly came into the shop, took the 6 out of the owner's hand and ran out. It all 7 in a few seconds. When the owner ran out 8 the street, the young man was already 9 among the people. The American went 10 . At the next comer, he saw the young man 11 the stolen watch in his hand. “Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” he said in a low voice. “It's 12 a hundred dollars.”

  “The young man doesn't know 13 I saw him stealing the watch just now. ”he 14 The American paid at once and went __15__ back to his room with the watch. His friend took a 16 at the watch and started 17 immediately. He said, “You are 18 This watch isn't worth 19 ten dollars. I'm 20 the shop owner and the young man planned all this together.”


  [  ]

  A. mend

  B. get

  C. sell

  D. make


  [  ]

  A. and

  B. then

  C. because

  D. that


  [  ]

  A. asked

  B. wanted

  C. needed

  D. paid


  [  ]

  A. Though

  B. After

  C. While

  D. When


  [  ]

  A. wondering

  B. examining

  C. explaining

  D. replying


  [  ]

  A. money

  B. watch

  C. present

  D. picture


  [  ]

  A. recorded

  B. supplied

  C. happened

  D. fetched


  [  ]

  A. of

  B. on

  C. across

  D. into


  [  ]

  A. discovered

  B. lost

  C. separated

  D. punished


  [  ]

  A. back

  B. in

  C. on

  D. up


  [  ]

  A. with

  B. selling

  C. enjoying

  . from


  [  ]

  A. still

  B. only

  C. already

  D. nearly


  [  ]

  A. when

  B. how

  C. where

  D. that


  [  ]

  A. said

  B. called

  C. thought

  D. found


  [  ]

  A. sadly

  B. happily

  C. angrily

  D. carefully


  [  ]

  A. picture

  B. look

  C. work

  D. prize


  [  ]

  A. laughing

  B. crying

  C. measuring

  D. operating

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