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华东地区 | 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东

华中地区 | 河南 湖北 湖南

西南地区 | 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏

西北地区 | 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆

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(新世纪版)上海S1A高一下学期第一单元travelling around China测试(附答案)

来源:本站原创 文章作者:匿名 2009-12-28 17:44:10

[标签:高一 答案] 


  1. There is still ______ who said he was _____to reach the top of the mountain besides these three people.

  A. a fourth one; the first    B. the fourth one; the first

  C. the fourth one, first          D. fourth one; first

  2. It's a common ______ to drive on the left in Britain.

  A. sense   B. practice  C. rule   D. reality

  3. -Would you like to go to see the new film tonight?

  - "The Forest Gump"? I happen _______ it twice.

  A. seeing       B. to see

  C to have seen      D. having seen

  4. - Alice, why are you still reading? It's high time that you _______ to bed.

  - Yes, Mum. But you know, it's the fourth time that you _______to my room tonight.

  A. went; came      B. go; come

  C. went; have come     D. have gone; had come

  5. I _______ my father to give up smoking, but he wouldn't listen to me.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

  A. persuaded  B. advised  C. suggested  D. allowed

  6. - I am surprised that you failed to pass the exam again!

  - If only I _______ your advice. I wasted too much time playing!

  A. take   B. took   C. had taken   D. have taken

  7. - Do you want to stop and have a rest?

  -_______, if you insist.

  A. Yes       B. Sure

  C. All right      D. That's right.

  8. His careless driving ______ him his life.

  A. spent   B. cost   C. ended   D. lost

  9. How many students do you consider ______ the meeting?

  A. attended      B. being attended

  C. to have attended     D. attending

  10. - Do you mind if I smoke here?

  - _______. Whatever you do is OK with me.

  A. I am afraid so.      B. You'd better not.

  C. I am afraid not.     D. No. Go ahead, please.

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