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来源:上海高考网 2012-12-05 15:02:31





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Section  I   Reading

Part A

Read the following text.Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank(30points)


There are two leading, complementary views on the sources of workplace stress. Understanding the difference between the two is the first step in learning how to cope.

The first regards stress as coming from how you_18_your situation. For example, one day your boss emerges from a long, closed-door meeting_19_upset.Then she e-mails you requesting a meeting. Do you_20_think you’d be fired? If your mind starts spinning a disaster, it’s enough to drive your body to a stress_21_.To cope with it, you may not be able to avoid the stir,_22_you can learn to change your response and _23_your mind Start keeping a list of everything in your day that causes stress Is there something new or_24_in your work life? Do certain colleagues make your_25_boil?Find how every item_26_the list makes you feel and then ask yourself,” Is my reaction correct or_27_the top?” This step is__28_,because once you understand where your emotions are coming from, you can find a_29_way to deal with them.

The other view says outside factors,_30_distressing work environments, mostly drive workplace stress.Common_31_of stress-causing environments include non-communicative bosses ,_32_isolating work, and jobs that require much effort but offer little_33_.Finding another job may be the most effective solution in the long run.But_34_the job market improves, find ways to regain a sense of control over your time and you_35_If you must endure a two-hour trip in rush-hour traffic to arrive at the office by 9 am, start your workday earlier so you_36_the worst time to travel. If you can’t_37_your colleagues, shut your office door or take your work to a conference room for part of the day.

18.[A]believe       [B]perceive       [C]receive          [D]relieve

19.[A]feeling       [B]keeping        [C]looking         [D]turning

20.[A]constantly    [B]currently       [C]immediately      [D]occasionally

21.[A]situation     [B]reaction        [C]condition        [D]association

22.[A]and         [B]reaction        [C]condition        [D]if

23.[A]calm        [B]change         [C]set             [D]speak

24.[A]creative      [B]different       [C]familiar         [D]successful

25.[A]blood        [B]body          [C]head            [D]heat

26.[A]among       [B]within         [C]on              [D]to

27.[A]under        [B]over           [C]beyond          [D]at

28.[A]clear         [B]key            [C]simple          [D]usual

29.[A]healthier       [B]newer         [C]readier         [D]stronger

30.[A]as            [B]despite         [C]except         [D]like

31.[A]appearances    [B]atmospheres     [C]categories      [D]characteristics

32.[A]socially        [B]publicly        [C]organizationally  [D]personally

33.[A]wealth         [B]profit          [C]award          [D]reward

34.[A]after           [B]although       [C]until           [D]when

35.[A]positions       [B]properties       [C]spaces         [D]surroundings

36.[A]avoid          [B]miss           [C]prevent         [D]resist

37.[A]accept          [B]convince       [C]please          [D]stand
