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来源:上海高考网 2013-05-21 17:48:45

中间段的写作其实非常简单,只需要把提纲中的信息按照顺序写成语句就行了,只是中国考生要学会逻辑连接、句式连接并避免抽象地空谈。 比如: A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory nea

ordinary people’s lives.


  Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes. Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students. Which point of view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.

  假设考生要写第三层: 听课使我们学会服从,听课帮我们学会合作,听课让我们更深刻地理解肯本内容。现在写第二层:听课让我们学会合作,提纲如下:

  · Cooperation

  ——Group assignment: impossible for 1 person/ need different perspectives

  ——Cooperate: budget time, assign tasks, be perfect, express opinions

  ——Ready for challenges at work


  Attending class teaches students how to cooperate with others. Different from students in primary or secondary school, university students are often given group assignments which are technically impossible for one person to finish in time or which have no universal answers and, therefore, need to be contemplated from various perspectives. As a result, boys and girls are forced to learn how to work with others for a common goal——such as how to budget time and assign tasks according to each person’s skills without causing “free-ride”, how to perfect your task without annoying other team mates, and how to express your opinion about other member’s work without triggering frictions or stupid fights. All of the above make college students mature and sensible, ready to meet the challenges they will soon face in the workplace. Therefore, attending classes is necessary for university students.


百科词条:高考 英语 写作技巧