
热门城市 | 全国 北京 上海 广东

华北地区 | 北京 天津 河北 山西 内蒙古

东北地区 | 辽宁 吉林 黑龙江

华东地区 | 上海 江苏 浙江 安徽 福建 江西 山东

华中地区 | 河南 湖北 湖南

西南地区 | 重庆 四川 贵州 云南 西藏

西北地区 | 陕西 甘肃 青海 宁夏 新疆

华南地区 | 广东 广西 海南

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来源:上海高考网 2013-08-24 16:03:43


  Unit Three

  Contemporary style

  1.elementary school = primary school 小学

  2. fur coat 皮大衣

  3. in fashion 流行

  go out of fashion 过时 不流行

  wear fashionable clothes 穿时尚衣服

  4. object to 反对

  object 物体

  5. a famous saying 名言

  6. peer pressure 同龄人间的压力

  under great pressure 压力很大

  7. academic study 学术研究

  academic level 学术水平

  academic school 专科学校

  academy 专科院校

  raise the academic level of the students 提高学生的学习成绩

  8. affect students for the rest of their lives 影响学生的一生

  be affected by heat [cold]中暑[着凉]

  be deeply affected by my words.被我说的话感动

  affect my thinking.影响我的思想

  9. afford to do sth. 买得起

  afford sth. 负担得起 买得起

  afford sb. shade 提供阴凉处

  afford it with my own savings 用存款买得起衣服

  10. be (feel)greatly appreciated by the company 受到公司的赏识

  I’d appreciate it very much if you could help me.我很感谢你对我的帮助

  show appreciation of sth. 对…..很欣赏

  appreciate doing 喜欢做某事

  appreciation of music音乐欣赏

  write a brief appreciation of a book为一本书写短评

  by way of appreciation.以表谢意。

  11. decrease by 20% 减少了20%

  decrease to 20% 减少到20%

  12. illustrate one’s point clearly 清楚地阐明自己的观点

  illustration 示例 插图 图例

  13. be linked to 与……联系在一起

  link people with other countries 把人们与其他国家联系起来

  14. promote friendship between different countries 增进各国之间的友谊

  15. reduce weight 减少体重

  lose weight 减肥

  be on a diet 减肥

  put on weight发胖

  16. study the ruins of ancient temples.研究古寺庙遗迹

  ruin the books in the library.毁坏了图书馆的书

  stop school uniforms from being introduced 组织校服的引进

  17. keep students from showing their individuality 妨碍了学生个性展示

  18.be considered quite cool 被认为很酷

  19. become extinct 频临灭绝

  20. very extravagant 非常奢侈

  21. youth gangs 学生帮派

  22. spread nationwide 传遍全国

  be adopted nationwide 全国采用

  23. a piece of clothing 一件衣服

  24. be keen on 对….着迷 喜爱

  not as keen on fashion as my sister 不像我妹妹那样对时尚感兴趣

  25. be brought to court 提交法庭

  26. bring along 顺便带来

  27. close down 倒闭

  28. go against custom 不和习俗

  29. public school公立学校

  private school 私立学校

  30. school uniform校服

  31. search for the missing boy 寻找失踪的孩子

  search sb./ some place for sth. 搜查人/地方找东西

  32. a man of marked individuality个性特别的人

  It depends on the individual. 因人而异

  33. meet with resistance 遇到阻力

  resist the temptation 抵制诱惑

  break down the enemy's resistance粉碎敌人的抵抗

  sales resistance无销路

  make some [no] resistance进行[不]抵抗

  passive resistance消极抵抗

  34. go sightseeing观光

  city sightseeing 城市观光

  35. come in first in the writing contest在写作比赛当中得第一名

  36. be well known for 因…..而出名

  be famous for因…..而出名

  be famous as actor 作为一名演员而出名

  37. a gang of youths 一帮小青年

  play cat and mouse with the gang对匪帮欲擒故纵

  38. a big business 一项大产业

  39. belong to 属于 (无被动)

  40. the natural world 自然世界

  keep the balance of nature 维护生态平衡

  natural law 自然规律

  supernatural 超自然 特异功能

  41. remind sb. of 提醒某人某事

  remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事

  remind sb that 提醒某人(+ 从句)

  42. make sb. upset 使……心烦

  43. creative idea 创意的想法

  create school pride 培养学校集体荣誉感

  44. give a presentation 做演讲

  45. popular trends in styles of dress服装款式的流行趋势

  46. create or ruin jobs 创造或毁了一些就业机会

  47.much less often 少得多

  more or less 或多或少

  48. a drama company 演出公司

  49. be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace 被授予诺贝尔奖

  50. an educational journal 教育期刊

  51. traditional way of life 传统生活方式

  52. go against tradition 违背传统

  53. reduce trouble 减少麻烦

  54. a good way to promote safety and discipline 促进安全与加强纪律的好方法

  55. gang colors 一帮人穿的衣服颜色一样

  56. be unlikely to do sth. 很不可能做某事

  be likely to do sth. 很可能做某事

  be likely that 很可能(+从句)

  sb. is likely to do sth. 很可能做某事
